Example Applications
Download any of the examples below as guidelines for how to set up a similar program for your specific application.

Example Program Description | Click to Download |
User function block for interacting with IronHorse ACN series AC general purpose drive. The drive must have the ACN-ETH communication module. It contains information for controlling the drive and getting drive information over EtherNet/IP from an XEM CPU. | |
User function block for interacting with DURApulse GS4 series AC high performance drive. The drive must have the GS4-CM-ENETIP communication module. It contains information for controlling the drive and getting drive information over EtherNet/IP from an XEM CPU. | |
User function block for interacting with DURApulse GS20 series AC general purpose drive. The drive must have the GS20A-CM-ENETIP communication module. It contains information for controlling the drive and getting drive information over EtherNet/IP from an XEM CPU. | |
This example program contains an ADC create user function block for interacting with the NITRA pneumatic bus coupler model PAL-EIP. The function block allows the XEM CPU to control valves and read or write data to and from any NITRA PAL I/O modules. | LS_Nitra_PAL_MapData_FB |
User function block for interacting with WEG Electric CFW500 series AC high-performance drive. The drive must have the communication module model number 12892814 . It contains information for controlling the drive and getting drive information over EtherNet/IP from an XEM CPU. | |
User function block for interacting with the Stride IO-Link Masters. It works with model numbers SIOL-EI8B and 54631. The function block allows the XEM CPU to read IO-Link port data and write data to the ports. There are additional functions for interacting with the various Murrelektronik IO-Link hubs and Contrinex RLH RFID read-write modules. | |
User function block for interacting with a SureServo2 drive over EtherNet/IP. The drive must have communication module model number SV2-CM-ENETIP. The program comes with a pre-configured eds file and SureServo2 parameter file. This function block allows the XEM CPU to control and get status of the drive over EtherNet/IP. | |
This is an Automation Direct function block for retrieving the general and extended status of an EtherNet/IP connection. It requires: XEM CPU OS version 2.40 or later and XBL-EIPT OS version 2.40 or later. Also, requires XG5000 version 4.76 or later. | ![]() |

Example Program Description | Click to Download |
XEM CPU communications to a GS20 AC drive over ModbusTCP. It corresponds to Connect to GS20 with ModbusTCP. | |
XEM CPU PID control. It corresponds to PID Function Example. | |
XEM CPU communications to a C-More EA9 HMI. It corresponds to Connect to C-More with Modbus TCP. | |
Conversion of BYTE array data to WORD and DWORD array data. This program is used for Data Conversion Techniques. | |
An example program for setting up an XBF-LD02S module. It corresponds to Setting Up XBF-LD02S. | ![]() |
This example program is used to connect an XEM CPU to the LS Electric L7C over RS-485. It is used in Connect L7C Servo over RS-485 with Modbus RTU. | ![]() |
This example program is used to connect an XEM CPU to the LS Electric L7P over RS-485. It is used in Connect L7P Servo over RS-485 with Modbus RTU. | ![]() |
This example program is used to connect an XEM CPU to the SureServo2 over RS-485. It is used in Connect to SureServo2 over RS-485 with Modbus RTU. | ![]() |
This is an example program for controlling an iX7 servo drive over Modbus TCP with an XEM CPU. One servo drive is controlled in positioning mode. | ![]() |
This contains an example program for setting up the XEM CPU to communicate with a GS30 AC drive over EtherNet/IP. | ![]() |
This is an example of measuring temperature using an XBF-TC04S temperature sensing module. It is used in Setting up Temperature Measuring Modules in XG5000. |

Example Program Description | Click to Download |
Pulse based motion control XG5000 project for an XEM CPU. The XYZ gantry in the training videos will use this program. The program demonstrates the direct and indirect movement function blocks. The file also contains various examples of the different interpolation movements avaiable to the XEM CPU. There are also examples of axis homing, getting axis status, and resetting axis errors. | |
Jogging an Axis. The file contains the XG5000 project and XG-PM project used in Jogging an Axis with XPM_JOG. | |
Homing an Axis. The file contains the XG5000 project and XG-PM project used in XEM Motion Axis Homing. | |
Inching an Axis. The file contains the XG5000 project and XG-PM project used in Inching an Axis with XPM_INC. | |
Speed and position synchronization. The file contains the XG5000 project and XG-PM project used in Speed and Position Synchronization with XPM_SSP, XPM_SSS, and XPM_SSSP. | |
CAM block capabilities. The file contains the XG5000 project and XG-PM project used in CAM Data Creation and Using XPM_CAM or XPM_CAMO. | |
This program contains all the examples for the XGB EtherCAT Motion help topics. See the appropriate help topics for more information. | ![]() |
Practice motion programming with only the XEM CPU. No servo drive hardware is needed. This program is used in most of our online interactive help motion videos. | ![]() |
An example of controlling a gantry with iX7 EtherCAT servo drives. It does a triangle with linear interpolation, spiral with circular interpolation, ellipse interpolation and helical interpolation. Used in some of the online help videos. | ![]() |