Triangle Object — General Tab

Topic: CM178

The Triangle Object, just like with drawing tools, allows the user to insert a drawing of a Triangle into a project. When a Triangle is inserted to a project, a window opens to allow the user to set up all available parameters for the Triangle Object.

Some of the uses for Triangle Objects include but are not limited to:

  • Identifying equipment and components, buildings, locations, etc.
  • Adding Triangle drawings that rotate, appear or disappear, or change colors according to the status of the assigned Tag Name.

Add a Triangle Object to Your Project

To add a Triangle Object to your project

  • From the Shape section of the Object menu, click the Triangle and then click on the Work Area location
    — or —
  • from the Shape section of the Object List, double-click on the Triangle
    — or —
  • click and drag the Triangle to the Work Area.
  • The Triangle window opens displaying the General tab.

Configuring the Standard Triangle Object

The General tab is the default tab and is used for the basic configuration of the Triangle Object. If the Advanced feature is selected, additional features are available.

To configure a standard Triangle Object, complete the fields on the screen that are common to all objects using the information in the Working with Objects Help topic.

Complete the remaining fields on the screen using the information in the table below.

Triangle Object —General Tab
Field Description
Line Width Click the up and down arrows to select the width of the line.
Line Color Click the line color icon and select the color of the line. 128 colors are available.
Fill To fill the Triangle Object with color, click the Fill check box. Click the Fill color to select the color to fill the Circle Object.
Object Style Click to select the style of the Triangle Object.
Angle Click the up and down arrows or enter a value to adjust the angle of the Triangle by degrees.
Advanced Select this check box for advanced features.

Animating a Triangle Object

To add animation to a Triangle Object, click the Advanced check box. Using the figure below as a reference, complete the fields on the screen using the table below.

Triangle Object: Advanced Tab


Outline Style Click to select the object's line border - solid, broken, or dashed. The dashed outline styles only work when the outline Line Width is 1. Any other setting will not display a dashed outline.
Tag Name Enter or select the Tag Name to control the Triangle Fill Color.
Fill Color when ON/OFF Click the Fill check box and then click to select the fill color when the Object is ON and when it is OFF.
Simulate Simulate is used to test the Fill Color function of the Triangle object when Fill is selected. Click the ON or OFF box to simulate.
Option Tab Click on the Optiontab to control the object's visibility based on Tag Name values.
Move Tab Click on the Move tab to animate the object's movement based on Tag Name values.
Size Tab Click on the Size tab to animate the size of the object based on Tag Name values.
Rotation Tab Click on the Rotation tab to animate the rotation of the object based on Tag Name values.

When all settings are completed, click on the OK button to accept the settings and continue working.

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