Add, Delete, Copy, and Paste Screens

Topic: CM017

In this topic, you will find how to:

Add a New Screen

Copy and Paste a Screen

Delete a Screen

Navigation Pane — Screen Tab

Many screen functions are in the Screen tab on the Navigation pane. See the table below for descriptions of the Screen Tab icons.

Navigation Pane — Screen Tab
Icon Icon Name Description
Add New Screen Add a new screen to the project.
Delete a Screen Delete a screen from the project.
Copy a Screen Copy a screen to the clipboard.
Paste a Screen Paste a copied screen to the project.
Duplicate a screen Duplicate the selected screen; a one-step copy/paste.
Screen Option Open the Screen Option window so you can enter a screen description, select a screen background color, and assign a password to the screen.
Display Preview a screen list showing a large icon representation of the screen or a Detailed Screen List.
Screen Display the Screen List where you can add and edit Project Screens.
Define Keypad Display the Keypad List to create a user-defined keypad. See Create a User-Defined Keypad.

Add a New Screen

Add Screens to projects in these ways:

After you create a new screen, use this table to understand settings.

New Screen Settings
Field Description
Screen Number By default, the system displays the next available sequential screen number.
Screen Name Enter a name for the new screen to identify the functions on the screen.
Background Color Click to select a background color for the new screen that will enhance the visualization and usability of the objects on the screen.
Screen Description Enter a description up to 400 characters long. This description only appears in the Project printout and is optional.

Copy and Paste a Screen

Copy Screen, when used with Paste Screen, enables you to create a copy of the selected screen in the same project.

If much of your screen will be duplicated on other screens, you may want to consider creating a Background Screen and assigning it to other screens.

If you want to copy one or a few screens from one project to another project, the Screen Library is a useful tool.

If you want to copy many screens, or some screens and the project Databases, (Tag Name, Message, Events, Address Book, and Recipes), then Import a Project Data File is useful.

The copied screen is pasted to the end of the screen list using the next available screen number. You may renumber, rename, and drag the screen to the location in the list that you desire.

You can copy Screens:

Duplicate a Screen

Duplicating a screen is essentially a one step Copy/Paste.

You can duplicate screens in these ways:

Delete a Screen

Delete Screen is used to delete a selected screen from the project.

Delete Screens from the project in the following ways:

Using any of these methods opens the Delete Screen window.

  1. In the Screen List, select the screen. To delete multiple screens at once, hold down the Ctrl key and select the screens to delete.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click Close.

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