Screen Library

Topic: CM382

Screen Library allows you to use a Screen from one project in another project.

  • Select Screen Library from the Tool Tab, which is located on the Ribbon Toolbar shown below
    — or —
  • select Screen Library icon on the Library List toobar.

Screen Library Window

The Screen Library comprises three windows:

Screen List

This is the same as the screen list in the Screen Tab in the Navigation window.

Add, Delete, Copy/Paste, Duplicate or Edit screen options

Screen Library Folders

Add, Delete, or Edit Screen Library Folders.

Screen Library stored screens

Delete or Edit Screen names

Add Screens to the Screen Library

  1. Drag a Screen from the Current Project Screen List to the Screens in the Screen Library pane.

  • When you release the mouse button, the Project Screen -->Library window shown below opens.

  1. Enter or select a folder name and screen name to organize and identify this screen.
  2. If it's likely that the new projects that will use this screen will use the same device driver, then click the radio button beside Save Tag(s).
  3. If it's likely that the new projects that use this screen will use other device drivers, it may simplify your work in the future to save the screen with tags saved as Internal Tag(s).
  4. Click OK to save the screen in the Screen Library.