Topic: 620

PR Mode Editor

Position Register (PR) Mode is a built-in motion control mode that allows the servo drive to change the motion command at any time. SureServo2 has 99 independently configurable "Paths" that can be defined as Point-to-Point Moves, Speed Commands, Jumps, Index Control, Writes, or simple logic evaluation.

In a traditional control method, the motor runs when a digital input (DI) triggers one PR. The command is non-continous and can be interrupted but not changed. For SureServo2, the command can be interrupted or changed by an external trigger. This allows for functions such as homing control, position control, speed control, procedure jump, parameters written-in, etc.

9 main homing modes and more than 30 sub-item combinations are included.

Allows for constant speed control in speed mode, including acceleration/deceleration curve programs.

Allows position command types such as absolute command, relative command, incremental command, CAP command, etc.

Jump function can change the sequence of procedure.

Video Resources:

SureServo2 - PR Mode

Related Topics:

Speed and Timing Setting

General Parameter Setting

Homing Setting

PR Mode Setting