Topic: 232

Jog Control

Video Resources:

SureServo2 - Quick Start 2 - Jog

Follow the steps below to use the Jog function:

1.) Setup jog speed. Set the speed in RPMs by entering a value in the text field.

2.) If needed, change the motor's direction by checking Reverse direction.

3.) Click Set Servo ON.

4.) Use the left and right arrows to jog the motor.

5.) Click Set Servo OFF when done.

Please follow the instructions below:

1.) Ensure the hardware emergency stop signal works (STO on connector CN10). Digital inputs and outputs can be used for testing.

2.) Ensure system communication is properly established. Communication breakdown could cause abnormal motor operation.

3.) During the jog, press the emergency stop button or issue the command to stop the motor if there is any abnormality.

Related Topics

Digital IO/Jog Control

Setting of Digital IO