ModbusTCP Configuration

The XEM CPU has Modbus TCP capability with the built in Ethernet port.

  • Modbus TCP uses port number 502.

  • The XEM CPU can be a Modbus server and client.

  • There are a maximum of 16 Channels to be shared by Modbus TCP Server and Client.

Type Capability
Modbus TCP Server

Up to 16 channels available.

Up to 512 bytes of data.

This is a dedicated function.

Modbus TCP Client

Up to 15 channels available.

Up to 512 bytes of data.

This is a P2P function.


Available Memory Locations for Modbus

Area Device Type Size (Word) Remark
I %IW0.0.0 - %IW15.15.3 1024 Read, Write Enable
Q %QW0.0.0 - %QW15.15.3 1024 Read, Write Enable
M %MW0 - %MW16383 16384 Read, Write Enable
W %WW0 - %WW32767 32768 Read, Write Enable


Available Function Codes

Function Code Function Modbus Transcription
Function Code 01 (h01) Reading output bit Read Coils
Function Code 02 (h02) Reading input bit Read Discrete Inputs
Function Code 03 (h03) Reading output word Read Holding Registers
Function Code 04 (h04) Reading input word Write Input Register
Function Code 05 (h05) Writing output bit Write single Coil
Function Code 06 (h06) Writing output word Write single Register
Function Code 15 (h0F) Writing output bit sequentially Write Multiple Coils
Function Code 16 (h10) Writing output word sequentilly Write Multiple Registers


Modbus TCP Server Setup

Modbus TCP Client Setup




