C-more Remote HMI App

Topic: CM630


Caution: The C-more Remote HMI App allows the user to connect to remote C-more panels from Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular network connections. The Remote user can fully operate and monitor the local HMI system and affect the function and control of the application just as the local operator controls it. Proper Control, Security and Safety Procedures should be considered and implemented when utilizing the Remote Access feature. There are various ways to control, limit and log remote users as explained in the topic Set Up Remote Access.

App Download Location

The C-more Remote HMI App is available from both Apple App Store and Android Play.

Device Requirements

  • iPhone/iPads running iOS version 4.3 or later
  • Android devices running version 4.4 or later

Refer to the Set Up Remote Access section of the help file to configure the C-more panel to allow the C-more Remote HMI App to function.


Note: It is recommended that a remote connection be set up via a Web Browser before attempting to connect to the remote C-more panel with the C-more Remote HMI App to ensure Remote Access has been configured properly.

Remote Access Benefits

The C-more Remote HMI App allows authorized users to connect their mobile device to the C-more panel from a WI-Fi or cellular connection. The remote user can fully operate and/or monitor a remote C-more panel. This can reduce the need for the user to be on site to view or operate the C-more panel. The HMI Project can also be configured so that the local operator can enable or disable control at any time by using assigned tags on one of the project screens.

This feature allows authorized users the ability to:

  • Remotely control the screen operations of the C-more panel as if touching the panel itself.
  • Remotely monitor real time screen operations.
  • Allow system integrators to support on-site end users.
  • Remotely troubleshoot and test the C-more project application.
  • Remotely view, zoom, and save screen captures of active screens.


Requirements to use the Remote Access feature are:

  • iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch iOS version 4.2 or later
    — or —
  • Android device with version 4.4 or later
  • C-more panel with Ethernet port
  • C-more Programming Software to program and configure a panel to support the C-more Remote HMI App.
  • The C-more panel must have compatible network settings with the device running the C-more Remote HMI App.

Security Concerns


If you plan to have external users accessing the C-more panel via the Internet, it is highly recommended that a Firewall be used for security purposes. This is true for any device that can be accessed from the Internet. Although C-more panels have a Remote Access account for assigning passwords, it is more secure and recommended that you use a Firewall to reduce the chances of unauthorized access. Most routers offer Firewall support.


Although the Remote Access feature for the C-more panel can be configured with password protection, connecting the C-more panel on an Enterprise network or the Internet exposes security risks. A secure and encrypted VPN connection is highly recommended if the C-more panel will be accessible from the Internet. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) uses encryption and other security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users are allowed to connect and that the Data cannot be intercepted. A VPN greatly reduces the chances of malicious behavior and unauthorized connections.

Project Protection

If the project loaded in the C-more panel was saved as a Protected Project File, then users who go online with the panel cannot save or edit the project using the IP Address that they have been given for the Remote Access Connection. This keeps users from intentionally or unintentionally saving or editing the project file. The project should be protected if the panel is located on the internet and users know the IP Address.

Remote Access User Accounts

Three Remote Access user Accounts are configured and stored in the panel project. Each Account has a Permission Level field that can be configured by the user. The user accounts are for Remote Access permissions. Each of these three accounts has three possible permission levels that can be assigned to the account.

These permission levels are:

  • View Only
  • View and Screen Change (Screen Change Push Button only)
  • Full Control

Account Passwords

Each Remote Access user account allows passwords that are configured and stored in the panel project. If the password is assigned in the panel project, the C-more Remote HMI App user will be required to type in the correct user name and password in order to view and control the C-more panel with the app.


Note: If the Account Name and Password are configured for the account and the incorrect user name and/or password is entered, access to the C-more panel will not be granted. A Message box will appear notifying the user that the Data entered is invalid and the login screen will reappear.

Getting Started with the C-more Remote HMI App

Make sure your mobile device cellular or Wi-Fi features are enabled and that you are connected to the network. The C-more panel must be configured to enable the Remote Access and Control feature. See Set Up Remote Access for complete details. These settings are stored with the C-more panel project and loaded to the panel with the C-more programming software.

Remote HMI Workspace

The C-more Remote HMI App workspace is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used to set up communications, select a panel for connection, and control the interactions with the remote C-more panel. The Workspace is always visible when there has not been a connection made to a C-more panel. Once connected, the Workspace will remain visible for about five seconds and then disappear. When the screen is touched by the user, the workspace will reappear and stay active as long as it is in use, timing out five seconds after the last touch.

The image above shows the C-more Remote HMI App Workspace:


Note: The Unlock Safety Button must be active (On) in order to interact with the remote C-more panel.


The Connection button is used to select a method of connecting to the remote C-more panel.


Favorite makes it faster and simpler to remotely connect to a specific C-more panel by allowing users to save the settings required to connect. As an option, the logon settings can also be saved with each Favorite address to simplify the connections.

Add a Favorite

Favorites can be added by selecting the Edit button from the Favorite menu or a favorite can be saved by using the connection Toolbar that appears only when connected to a remote C-more panel.

Configuring the Favorite Properties


The Browse tool enables the C-more Remote HMI App to send an Ethernet multicast request over the local network to search for all C-more panels that are connected to the local network.

Browse List

Panel Name

The name stored in the panel memory or panel project. This name is configured in the project with the C-more Programming Software.

Panel IP Address

The IP address of the C-more panel. The IP address is stored in the panel memory or the panel project.

Color Indicators

Each C-more panel listed on the network will have a colored indicator to the left side of the panel name to show if the C-more panel supports the C-more Remote HMI App. When an incompatible C-more panel is selected, an error Message will appear with an explanation of the error. These indicators are used to describe the following:

  • Red: The C-more panel was found but the firmware in the panel is incompatible with the C-more Remote HMI App. If a C-more Series EA7 panel is targeted, the panel must be using firmware Version 2.73 or later.
  • Yellow: The C-more panel was found, and the firmware is compatible, but the Remote Access Feature has not been enabled in the Panel. This feature is configured with the C-more Programming Software and saved to the project stored in the panel. See Setting up the Remote Access for more.
  • Green: The C-more panel was found, the firmware is compatible and the Remote Access Feature in the panel is enabled.

The Browse feature does have some limitations:


Many routers do not support Multicast. If you are connected through a router and the browse multicast does not function, you will need to input the IP address of the C-more panel manually. Once connected, the panel can be saved to the Favorites list to eliminate the need to enter the IP address for the panel manually each time you want to connect.


If there are several C-more panels on the same network, it is possible that some panels are not shown in the list due to network response time or response collisions. The browse may have to be executed more than one time in order to populate the list of C-more panels on the network.

Cellular or VPN Connection

VPN (Virtual Private Network) and cellular connections do not support Ethernet multicast. You will need to input the IP address of the C-more panel manually. Once connected, the panel can be saved to the Favorites list to eliminate the need to enter the IP address for the panel manually each time you want to connect.


Your experience will be affected by network bandwidth and latency, as well as project screen complexity. The Setup Button contains the settings used to modify the performance of the C-more Remote HMI App connection. The Client settings are stored in the C-more Remote HMI App. on your device. The “Panel Settings” are stored in the C-more panel and if changed, the panel will maintain the values of the last settings entered. Selecting the Setup Button displays the Setup window.

Client Setting

Client device settings do not affect performance or local operations at the C-more panel.

Panel Setting

These settings affect the communications settings at the remote C-more panel (Server) side. Panel operational performance may be affected by the adjustment of the communication settings in some applications that are processor intensive (such as PLC communications, Data logging, and animation). Unlike the Client Settings, these settings are stored in the C-more panel and are retained across sessions. This means that if the panel settings are changed while a remote user is online, another user connecting from a different C-more Remote HMI App will connect with the same settings last entered to the panel. For this reason each user may need to make adjustments to the setup items based on their network connection speed and performance.

Unlock Safety Button

The Unlock Button feature has been added to help reduce unintentional activation of the remote C-more panel inputs, such as buttons and keypads entries. Mobile devices are susceptible to being dropped or the screen being touch by a user unintentionally. When in the "Off State", the C-more Remote HMI App workspace tools are active and allow the user to interact with the app menu items, zoom/pan actions, and control all touch interface features. The device functions as a mobile device in this state.


Note: The Unlock Safety Button must be active (On) in order to interact with the remote C-more panel.

When the Unlock button is active, the C-more Remote HMI App controls all touch interfaces to the C-more panel. The device functions as a C-more panel in this state. The C-more Remote HMI App workspace GUI tools are not accessible when the Unlock button is active, and the app menu items and zoom/pan features of the mobile device are not accessible. To re-establish these features, the unlock button must be deactivated.

Unlock Button States


(Default State) When the user first logs into the remote C-more panel, the Unlock buttons default mode is not active (off). In the "Off State", the mobile device acts in a local mode which activates the C-more Remote HMI App workspace tools and also allows the user to zoom and pan and control all local touch interface features.


(Press and Hold) In the touch and hold mode, the Unlock button acts as a momentary button and is active only while being touched. This enables the user to interact with the C-more panel project interface.


Double tapping the button will latch it in the active(On) state and will remain in the active state until pressed again. This allows the user to interact with the remote C-more panel project as if operating the panel as a local operator.


Tap the button one time to view the Move button. Tap the Move button to enable the Move feature. The Move feature allows the user to place the Unlock button anywhere on the screen as needed so that it does not interfere with the operation of the remote C-more panel inputs or block the view of objects on the remote screen.

Connection Toolbar


Note: The mobile device also has a built-in feature that allows the user to capture the active screen image as a.jpg by pressing the mobile device Home button and the Sleep/Wake (On/Off) key at the top of the device simultaneously.

The Connection Toolbar allows the C-more Remote HMI App to control the connection to the remote C-more panel. The Toolbar is designed much like the video control toolbar found in many popular video control softwares.


Note: The mobile device also has a built-in feature that allows the user to capture the active screen image as a.jpg by pressing the mobile device Home button and the Sleep/Wake (On/Off) key at the top of the device simultaneously.

Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the C-more Remote HMI App workspace and is displayed by default. It can be enabled or disabled by the user as needed from the settings screen. The status bar displays the following information:

Saving Favorites File using iTunes

Using iTunes 9.1 or later, you can copy files between your computer and apps on your iOS device that support file sharing. The C-more Remote HMI App creates a “.dat” file that stores the favorite C-more panel connection settings created by the user. This allows the user to copy, save, or move the favorites from one device to another, or create backup files for when a mobile device may fail or need to be reset. Refer to the iTunes help for more details on file sharing if needed.

Copying Files Using File Sharing

  1. Connect your mobile device Touch device to your computer.
  2. Launch iTunes 9.1 or later on your computer.
  3. Select your device from the Devices section of iTunes.

  1. Click on the Apps tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Note: If you do not see the File Sharing section shown in the image above, your mobile device does not have any apps that support File Sharing.

  1. Under the File Sharing section, you'll find a list of apps currently installed on your mobile device that support File Sharing. Select an app to view a list of the files associated with that app on your device. “RemoteHMIFavorite.dat” should appear in the list when remote HMI is selected.
  2. Drag and drop files from the Documents list to a folder or window on your computer to copy them to your computer
    — or —
    Select the file or files you want to copy to your computer from the Documents list and click the "Save to…" button.

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