Cross-coupled Motor Control

Cross-coupled motor control is used when two motors are physically connected (coupled) such as automated guided vehicle or gantry stages. Cross-coupled functionality will spread the axis position error across both axes allowing the two axes to be controlled without them interfering with each other.

After cross-coupling two axes, identical motion commands must be performed on each axis for them to move synchronously. Requires these function blocks:

  • LS_MasterPLoopControlOn: This function block is used to allow the XMC to control the position loop of an axis.

  • LS_MasterPLoopControlOff: This function block is used to turn off the XMC’s control of an axis position loop.

  • LS_CrossCoupledControlOn: This function block is used to enable the cross-coupling of two axes.

  • LS_ CrossCoupledControlOff: This function block is used to disable the cross-coupling of two axes.

  • LS_Connect, MC_Power, MC_Home must be executed before these function block can be used.

Section 8.2.15 of the XMC User manual contains some more information about cross-coupled control.

The following examples can be found in the downloadable from Example Applications.























