Reading SDO parameters for Open From PLC project

Video Tutorial

Using the “Open From PLC” option to read the XG-PM project will include all servos connected to the XBF-PN04B or XBF-PN08B module.

  • XG-PM can use the Online menuè EtherCAT Slaveè Autoconnect procedure to read the node numbers from the servo drives and automatically associate those node numbers with the Axis number.

  • Node number X will be Axis X so Node number 1 will be Axis 1.

  • Axis number will be assigned to the order the drives are connected.

  • XBF-PN04B supports node numbers 1 ~ 4 for servo drives.

  • XBF-PN08B supports node numbers 1 ~ 8 for servo drives.

Step Action

Connect the XG-PM project to the XEM CPU. Click on the XBF-PN0xB module to highlight it. This example shows XBF-PN08B.


Select Online menu è EtherCAT Slave è Autoconnect.


Select the check box next to Includes SDO (Servo) parameter read. This will read the servo drive parameters including the drive’s node number. Press OK when done.


Press OK on message showing successful connection.


Open the SDO parameter files to check Node ID.


Index 2003:00 for the iX7NH servo drive will be the node number. This example shows Node 1 being read in the SDO parameter file.


Make sure Slave Number matches the Axis number for your application.


If information is correct, then Save the project and perform a Write Project to XEM CPU. If the information is wrong, proceed to Manually Associating Servo Drive with an Axis Number.








