Volume Control Object

Topic: CM453

The Volume Control object is used to allow the user to adjust the volume of the panel's sound by pressing a button or pressing the Increase or Decrease arrows. This object can be modified to various sizes and colors.

To add a Volume Control object to your project, do one of the following:

  • From the Object menu, select System then Volume Control
    — or —
  • from the Object List, scroll down to System and either double-click on Volume Control
    — or —
  • drag and drop Volume Control to the work area.

  1. A list of preconfigured Volume Control Object styles are displayed on the Parts List window. If selecting a Volume Control from the Parts List window, click and hold on the desired Volume Control style, drag it to the Work Area and release the mouse button.

  • The Volume Control set-up window shown below opens.

  1. Complete the fields on the screen that are common to all objects using the information in the Working with Objects Help topic.
  2. Complete the remaining fields on the screen using the information in the table below.
Volume Control Object
Field Description
Object Style Style 1 is plain text on the button and is used for one operation. Use one button for Volume Up, another button for Volume Down, and another for Mute Set and Reset.
Style 2 uses one object with three buttons for Volume Up, Volume Down and Mute.
Operation Type Operation Type is used when the Style 1 is selected.
Volume Up makes the button a momentary pushbutton that increases the volume.Volume Down makes the button a momentary pushbutton that decreases the volume.
Mute Set/Mute Reset makes the button a toggle button that mutes with one push and unmutes with the next push.