GE Ethernet 90-30and Rx3i Protocol Error Codes

Topic: CM359

Thefollowing tables list the Errorsthat can be generated by the GE90-30 and Rx3i PLC when using the SRTP EthernetProtocol.

These Tables providereference information for ErrorCodes displayed by the C-morePanels.If the ErrorCode is PLC-499,this Error Code identifiesan Error that is specificto your PLC model.

For PLC specificError Codes, makesure you are viewing the correct topic and locate the PLC Specific Errors Tablefound below.

For more information about error codes specific to C-More panels, see C-More Error Codes.

Note: Addresses are read from or written to as 16 bit blocks by the protocol.As a result, addresses reported with an error Message show the beginning address of the block that the protocol attempted to read or write.Therefore, an error for Address Q7 may be displayed as Q1 even though there is no tag associated with Q1 in the C-more panel.The error could be related to any Address used in a C-more tag in the range of Q1 to Q16.

PLCError Codes

PLC Errors forGE 90-30 and Rx3i SRTP Ethernet Protocol
Error Message


0x05c1 Invalidblock state transition.
0x05c2 TheOEM key is NULL (inactive).
0x05c3 Textlength does not match traffic type.
0x05c4 Verifywith FA Card or EEPROM failed.
0x05c5 Notask-level Rack/Slot configuration to read or delete.
0x05c6 ControlProgram ( CP) tasks exist but requestor not logged into mainCP.
0x05c7 Passwordsare set to inactive and cannot be enabled or disabled.
0x05c8 Password(s)already enabled and cannot be forced inactive.
0x05c9 Loginusing nonzero buffer size required for block commands.
0x05ca Deviceis write protected.
0x05cb Acomm or write verify error occurred during save or restore.
0x05cc Data stored on device has been corrupted and is no longer reliable.
0x05cd Attemptwas made to read a device but no Data has been stored on it.
0x05ce Specifieddevice has insufficient memory to handle request.
0x05cf Specifieddevice is not available in the system (not present).
0x05d0 Oneor more PLC modules configured have unsupported revision.
0x05d1 Packetsize or total program size does not match input.
0x05d2 Invalidwrite mode parameter.
0x05d3 UserProgram Module ( UPM) read or write exceeded block end.
0x05d4 Mismatchof configuration checksum.
0x05d5 Invalidblock name specified in datagram.
0x05d6 Totaldatagram connection memory exceeded.
0x05d7 Invaliddatagram type specified.
0x05d8 Pointlength not allowed.
0x05d9 Transfertype invalid for this Memory Type selector.
0x05da Nullpointer to Data in Memory Type selector.
0x05db InvalidMemory Type selector in datagram.
0x05dc Unableto find connection address.
0x05dd Unableto locate given datagram connection ID.
0x05de Sizeof datagram connection invalid.
0x05df Invaliddatagram connection address.
0x05e0 Servicein process cannot login.
0x05e1 NoI/O configuration to read or delete.
0x05e2 IOScould not delete configuration, or bad type.
0x05e3 CPUrevision number does not match.
0x05e4 MemoryType for this selector does not exist.
0x05e5 DOSfile area not formatted.
0x05e6 CPUmodel number does not match.
0x05e7 Configurationis not valid.
0x05e8 Nouser memory is available to allocate.
0x05e9 MemoryType selector not valid in context.
0x05ea Notlogged in to process service request.
0x05eb Taskunable to be deleted.
0x05ec Taskunable to be created.
0x05ed VMEbus error encountered.
0x05ee Couldnot return block sizes.
0x05ef Programmeris already attached.
0x05f0 Requestonly valid in stop mode.
0x05f1 Requestonly valid from programmer.
0x05f2 Invalidprogram cannot log in.
0x05f3 I/Oconfiguration mismatch.
0x05f4 Invalidinput parameter in request.
0x05f5 Invalidpassword.
0x05f6 Invalidsweep state to set.
0x05f7 Requiredto log in to a task for service.
0x05f8 InvalidTask Name referenced.
0x05f9 Taskaddress out of range.
0x05fa Cannotreplace I/O module.
0x05fb Cannotclear I/O configuration.
0x05fc I/Oconfiguration is invalid.
0x05fd Unableto perform auto configuration.
0x05fe Noprivilege for attempted operation.
0x05ff ServiceRequest Error has been aborted.
0x0a8d BadDOS Version.Must have DOS 2.0, or later, to support the SNPDOS Driver.
0x0a8e PCSerial port configured for SNP Master driver is not open;no communication can take place.
0x0a8f Out of SequenceSNP message.SNP Message type received was not the type expected.
0x0a90 BadSNP BCC encountered.Transmission was aborted after maximumretries due to a bad Block Check Code.
0x0a91 BadSNP communication.Transmission was aborted after maximumretries due to serial errors (that is, parity, overrun, orframing errors).
0x0a92 No SNP communication.Either communication has been lost or a communication sessionhas not been established.
0x0c01 WAIT-typeCOMMREQ is not permitted; must use NOW AIT-type.
0x0c02 COMMREQcommand is not supported.
0x0c03 SNPcommunication is not active.Must initiate a new SNP communicationby sending an Attach or Long Attach COMMREQ.
0x0c04 SNPslave did not respond to Attach Message from master.
0x0c05 Unableto write SNP Status Word to local PLC memory; may be due toinvalid Status Word memory type or address.
0x0c06 Masterdevice memory type is not valid in this PLC.
0x0c07 Masterdevice memory address or length is zero.
0x0c08 Unableto read or write master device memory locations specifiedin COMMREQ.Usually caused by invalid memory address for thisPLC.SNP Message exchange may have taken place.
0x0c09 Masterdevice memory Data length exceeds maximum Data size of CMMmodule (2048 bytes).Must use a smaller Data length.Use multipleCOMMREQs if total Data length exceeds this maximum value.
0x0c0a Slavedevice memory type is missing or not valid.
0x0c0b Slavedevice memory address is missing or zero.
0x0c0c COMMREQData Block Length is too small.Output command string Data is missing or incomplete.(When expected COMMREQ length is6 words or less.An improper length may cause other minorerror codes 6-11.)
0x0c0d InvalidDiagnostic Status Word ( DSW) starting word or length.
0x0c0e Invalidmaximum SNP Message Data size.Must be an even value from42 to 2048.
0x0c0f InvalidPrivilege Level.Must be 0 through4 or -1.
0x0c10 InvalidFault Table selector.Must be 1 for I/O Fault Table,or 2 for PLC Fault Table.
0x0c11 InvalidFault Table starting index.Must be 1-32 for I/O FaultTable, or 1-16 for PLC.
0x0c12 Invalidfault count.Must be 1-32 for I/O Fault Table, or 1-16 forPLC Fault Table.
0x0c13 InvalidSet PLC Date/Time mode.Must be 1-4.
0x0c14 InvalidSet PLC Date/Time date, time, or day-of-week value.
0x0c15 Unableto retrieve master device PLC time/date from PLC CPU.
0x0c16 Invalidslave PLC type.Must be 0 for Series 90-70, or 1 forSeries 90-30 or Series 90-20.
0x0c17 Invaliddatagram type.Must be 01h for normal datagram, or 81h(129) for permanent datagram.
0x0c18 Missingor too many datagram point formats.Must be 1-32.
0x0c19 Invaliddatagram point format data.
0x0c1a Datagramarea size is too small to include Data for all specified pointformats.
0x0c1b Invalidnumber of Control Program Names.Must be 1-8.
0x0c1c SNP-XRequest exceeds maximum Data size (1000 bytes).Mustuse a smaller Data length.Use multiple COMMREQ if necessary.
0x0c1d InvalidSNP-X communication session type.Must be 0 for a single slavedevice, or 1 for multiple slave devices.
0x0c1e Illegaldestination SNP ID specified for SNP-X slave.Must be 0-7ASCII characters, plus a terminating null character (00h).The Null SNP ID (eight bytes of 00h) may be used to specifyany single device.The Broadcast SNP ID (eight bytes of FFh)may be use to specify all slave devices on the serial link.
0x0c1f DestinationSNP ID does not match SNP-X session type.The BroadcastSNP ID is not permitted in a single-slave SNP-X session.TheNull SNP ID is not permitted in a multiple-slave SNP-X session.
0x0c20 Inactivitytimeout (T3).The SNP slave has not received any new SNP messageswithin the configured T3 time interval.
0x0c21 AParity error has occurred on an Attach, Attach Response, orUpdate Real time Datagram message.Communications havenot been established.
0x0c22 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an Attach, AttachResponse, or Update Real time Datagram message.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c23 AFraming or Overrun serial error has occurred on an Attach,Attach Response, or Update Real time Datagram message.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c24 Aninvalid SNP Message type was received when an Attach, AttachResponse, or Update Real time Datagram Message was required.Communications have not been established.
0x0c25 Aninvalid next Message length value was specified in an Attach,Attach Response, or Update Real time Datagram message.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c26 Anunexpected SNP Message type was received when an Attach, AttachResponse, or Update Real time Datagram was required.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c27 AnotherBreak was received while SNP slave was waiting for an Attachor Update Real time Datagram message.
0x0c28 AnSNP Message has been sent and retried the maximum number oftimes.A maximum of two retries are permitted.Aretry is caused by a NAK from the remote SNP device.
0x0c29 Areceived SNP Message has been NAKed the maximum number oftwo times.The NAKed Message may be retransmitted amaximum of two times.
0x0c2a Anunknown Message was received when an acknowledge ( ACK orNAK) was required.
0x0c2b SequenceError.An unexpected SNP Message type was received.
0x0c2c ReceivedSNP Message contains bad next Message length value.
0x0c2d Acknowledgetimeout.An acknowledge ( ACK or NAK) was not received withinthe configured T2 time interval.A slave device may generatethis error if the master device has aborted after maximumresponse NAKs and does not NAK the next response retry.
0x0c2e Responsetimeout.The SNP Master did not receive an SNP Response Message within the configured T5 time interval.
0x0c2f BufferMessage timeout.An expected Text Buffer or ConnectionData Message was not received within the configured T5 timeinterval.
0x0c30 Serialoutput timeout.The CMM module was unable to transmit a Break,an SNP message, or SNP acknowledge ( ACK or NAK) from theserial port.(May be due to missing CTS signal when the CMMmodule is configured to use hardware flow control.)
0x0c31 SNPslave did not receive a response from the Service RequestProcessor in the PLC CPU.
0x0c32 COMMREQtimeout.The COMMREQ did not complete within the configuredtime interval.
0x0c33 AnSNP Request or Response was aborted prior to completion dueto reception of a Break.
0x0c34 PLCbackplane communications error.
0x0c35 InvalidPiggyback Status Data memory type or address.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c36 InvalidSNP Slave SNP ID.Must be a 0-7 ASCII characters, plus a terminatingnull character (00h).The Null SNP ID (eight bytes of 00h)may be used to specify any single slave device.
0x0c37 TheSNP master has received a response Message containing an unexpectedData length.Usually indicates a problem with the remote SNPslave device.May occur when Series 90-70 commands (Task Memoryor Program Block Memory Read/Write) are issued to a Series90-30 slave device.
0x0c38 Responsecode in received SNP-X response Message does not match expectedvalue.(Response code must equal the request code +80h.)
0x0c39 SNP-XResponse Message exceeds maximum Data size (decimal 1000 bytes).Data in the Response is ignored.
0x0c40 Aparity error has occurred on an X-Attach Response Message when establishing a new SNP-X communication session.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c41 Aframing or overrun error has occurred on an X-Attach ResponseMessage when establishing a new SNPX communication session.Communications have not been established.
0x0c42 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an X-Attach ResponseMessage when establishing a new SNP-X communication session.Communications have not been established.
0x0c43 Aninvalid Message type was received when an X-Attach Responsewas required when establishing a new SNP-X communication session.Communications have not been established.
0x0c44 Aninvalid next Message type value was detected in an X-AttachResponse Message when establishing a new SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c45 Aninvalid response code was detected in an X-Attach ResponseMessage when establishing a new SNP-X communication session.Communications have not been established.
0x0c46 Anexpected X-Attach Response Message was not received withinthe response timeout interval when establishing a new SNP-Xcommunication session.The master has retried the X-AttachMessage twice without receiving a response.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c50 Aparity error has occurred on an X-Attach Response Message when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communication session.Communications have not been established.
0x0c51 Aframing or overrun error has occurred on an X-Attach ResponseMessage when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c52 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an X-Attach ResponseMessage when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c53 Aninvalid Message type was received when an X-Attach Responsewas required when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c54 Aninvalid Next Message Type value was detected in an X-AttachResponse Message when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c55 Aninvalid response code was detected in an X-Attach ResponseMessage when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c56 Anexpected X-Attach Response Message was not received withinthe response timeout interval when reestablishing an existingSNP-X communication session.The master has retried the X-AttachMessage twice without receiving a response.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c60 Aparity error has occurred on an X-Response message.
0x0c61 Aframing or overrun error has occurred on an X-Response message.
0x0c62 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an X-Responsemessage.
0x0c63 Aninvalid Message type was received when an X-Response Message was required.
0x0c64 Aninvalid next Message type value was detected in an X-Responsemessage.
0x0c65 Aninvalid response code was detected in an X-Response message.
0x0c66 Anexpected X-Response Message was not received within the responsetime.
0x0c70 Aparity error has occurred on an Intermediate Response message.
0x0c71 Aframing or overrun error has occurred on an Intermediate Responsemessage.
0x0c72 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an IntermediateResponse message.
0x0c73 Aninvalid Message type was received when an Intermediate ResponseMessage was required.
0x0c74 Aninvalid next Message type value was detected in an IntermediateResponse message.
0x0c75 Aninvalid response code was detected in an Intermediate Responsemessage.
0x0c76 Anexpected Intermediate Response Message was not received withinthe response timeout interval.
0x0d40 Therequested service is not supported by the SNP slave.
0x0d41 SNPslave on CMM module requires PLC CPU privilege level 2 tooperate.The SNP slave has rejected a request to change toa higher or lower privilege level.
0x0d42 SNPRequest or Response Message exceeds maximum Data length ofthe CMM module.(Total Data length for Mailbox and all followingBuffer messages is 2048 bytes.) The master must use a smallerData length.Use multiple requests if total Data lengthexceeds the maximum value.
0x0d43 ImproperWrite Datagram Message format.Series 90-70 slave devicesuse a different format for this Message than Series 90-30or Series 90-20 slave devices.The master must use the properMessage format for this SNP slave device.(The SNP masterin the CMMmodule sends this Message as part of the EstablishDatagram COMMREQ command.The datagram has been partiallyestablished, but is not usable; the datagram should be canceledby using the Datagram ID returned by the COMMREQ.)
0x0d44 Adatagram error occurred in a Series 90-70 slave device (dual-porterror).
0x0e02 Themodem command string length exceeds 250 characters.
0x0e03 COMMREQData Block Length is too small.Output command string Data is missing or incomplete.
0x0e04 Serialoutput timeout.The CMM module was unable to transmit themodem autodial output from the serial port.(May be due tomissing CTS signal when the CMM is configured to use hardwareflow control.)
0x0e05 Responsewas not received from modem.Check modem and cable.
0x0e06 Modemresponded with BUSY.Modem is unable to complete the requestedconnection.Check the local and remote modems and thetelephone line.
0x0e07 Modemresponded with NO CARRIER.
0x0e08 Modemresponded with NO DIALTONE.Modem is unable to complete therequested connection.Check the modem connections and thetelephone line.
0x0e09 Modemresponded with ERROR.Modem is unable to complete the requestedcommand.Check the modem command string and modem.
0x0e0a Modemresponded with RING, indicating that the modem is being calledby another modem.Modem is unable to complete the requestedcommand.Retry the modem command at a later time.
0x0e0b Anunknown response was received from the modem.Modem is unableto complete the requested command.Check the modem commandstring and modem.The modem response is expected to be eitherCONNECT or OK.
0x0f01 Theservice request code in an X-Request Message is unsupportedor invalid at this time.This error may occur if an SNP-Xcommunication session has not been success fully establishedat the slave device.
0x0f02 Insufficientprivilege level in the slave PLC CPU for the requested SNP-Xservice.Password protection at PLC CPU may be preventingthe requested service.
0x0f03 Invalidslave memory type in X-Request message.
0x0f04 Invalidslave memory address or range in X-Request message.
0x0f05 InvalidData length in X-Request message.Data length must be non-zero,and may not exceed decimal 1000 bytes.
0x0f06 X-BufferData length does not match the service request in X-Requestmessage.The X-Buffer Message length is obtained fromthe Next Message Length field in the X-Request message; thelength of the Data within the buffer Message is always theMessage length.
0x0f07 QueueFull indication from Service Request Processor in slave PLCCPU.The slave is temporarily unable to complete theservice request.The master should try again later.It is recommended that the master wait at least 10 msec beforerepeating the X-Request.
0x0f08 ServiceRequest Processor response exceeds 1000 bytes; the SNP-X slavedevice cannot return the Data in an X-Response message.(Thiserror applies to CMM module only.)
0x0f10 UnexpectedService Request Processor error.(This error applies to CMMmodule only; the unexpected SRP error code is saved in theDiagnostic Status Words in the CMM module.)
0x0f15 Requestedservice is not permitted in a Broadcast request.The mastermust direct the X-Request Message to a specific SNP-X slavedevice.
0x0f20 InvalidMessage Type field in a received X-Request message.TheMessage type of an X-Request Message must be 58h = X.
0x0f21 InvalidNext Message Type or Next Message Length field in a receivedX Request message.If this request does not use a buffer (0-2bytes of data), the Next Message Type must be zero.If thisrequest will be followed with a buffer Message (more than2 byte.)), the Next Message Type must be 54h = T, and theNext Message Length must specify the length of the X-Buffermessage.Valid X-Buffer Message lengths are 9-1008 bytes (Data length plus 8 bytes).
0x0f22 InvalidMessage Type field in a received X-Buffer message.TheMessage type of an X-Buffer Message must be 54h = T.
0x0f23 InvalidNext Message Type field in a received X-Buffer message.Sincean X-Buffer Message is never followed by another message,the Next Message Type must always be zero.
0x0f40 Serialoutput timeout.The slave was unable to transmit an SNP-XMessage from the serial port.(May be due to missing CTS signalwhen the CMM module is configured to use hardware flow control.)
0x0f41 AnSNP-X request was aborted prior to completion due to receptionof a Break.
0x0f42 AnX-Buffer Message was received containing greater than 1000bytes of data.The Data is ignored.
0x0f43 TheSNP-X slave did not receive a response from the Service RequestProcessor in the PLC CPU.
0x0f44 PLCbackplane communications error.
0x0f50 Aparity error has occurred in a received X-Attach message.
0x0f51 Aframing or overrun error has occurred in a received X-Attachmessage.
0x0f52 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred in a received X-Attachmessage.
0x0f53 Aninvalid Message Type was received when an X-Attach Message was required.(For an X-Attach message, the Message type mustbe 58h = T.)
I0x0f54 Aninvalid Next Message Type value was detected in a receivedX-Attach message.(For an X-Attach message, the Next Message Length must be zero.)
0x0f55 Aninvalid request code was detected in a received X-Attach message.
0x0f60 Aparity error has occurred in a received X-Request message.
0x0f61 Aframing or overrun error has occurred in a received X-Requestmessage.
0x0f62 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred in a received X-Requestmessage.
0x0f70 Aparity error has occurred in a received X-Buffer message.
0x0f71 Aframing or overrun error has occurred in a received X-Buffermessage.
0x0f72 ABCC(Block Check Code) error has occurred in a received X-Buffermessage.
0x0f73 Anexpected X-Buffer Message was not received.
0x1302 UnsupportedCOMMREQ.These errors are only generated when there is noprotocol currently being run on a port, and the port receivesa COMMREQ.(The port may be disabled or an error hasoccurred in processing a new configuration).
0x1303 InvalidCOMMREQ length.
0x1304 InvalidCOMMREQ status word location.
0x1305 InvalidCOMMREQ data.
0x0c52 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an X-Attach ResponseMessage when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c53 Aninvalid Message type was received when an X-Attach Responsewas required when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c54 Aninvalid Next Message Type value was detected in an X-AttachResponse Message when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c55 Aninvalid response code was detected in an X-Attach ResponseMessage when re-establishing an existing SNP-X communicationsession.Communications have not been established.
0x0c56 Anexpected X-Attach Response Message was not received withinthe response timeout interval when reestablishing an existingSNP-X communication session.The master has retried the X-AttachMessage twice without receiving a response.Communicationshave not been established.
0x0c60 Aparity error has occurred on an X-Response message.
0x0c61 Aframing or overrun error has occurred on an X-Response message.
0x0c62 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an X-Responsemessage.
0x0c63 Aninvalid Message type was received when an X-Response Message was required.
0x0c64 Aninvalid next Message type value was detected in an X-Responsemessage.
0x0c65 Aninvalid response code was detected in an X-Response message.
0x0c66 Anexpected X-Response Message was not received within the responsetime.
0x0c70 Aparity error has occurred on an Intermediate Response message.
0x0c71 Aframing or overrun error has occurred on an Intermediate Responsemessage.
0x0c72 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred on an IntermediateResponse message.
0x0c73 Aninvalid Message type was received when an Intermediate ResponseMessage was required.
0x0c74 Aninvalid next Message type value was detected in an IntermediateResponse message.
0x0c75 Aninvalid response code was detected in an Intermediate Responsemessage.
0x0c76 Anexpected Intermediate Response Message was not received withinthe response timeout interval.
0x0d40 Therequested service is not supported by the SNP slave.
0x0d41 SNPslave on CMM module requires PLC CPU privilege level 2 tooperate.The SNP slave has rejected a request to change toa higher or lower privilege level.
0x0d42 SNPRequest or Response Message exceeds maximum Data length ofthe CMM module.(Total Data length for Mailbox and all followingBuffer messages is 2048 bytes.) The master must use a smallerData length.Use multiple requests if total Data lengthexceeds the maximum value.
0x0d43 ImproperWrite Datagram Message format.Series 90-70 slave devicesuse a different format for this Message than Series 90-30or Series 90-20 slave devices.The master must use the properMessage format for this SNP slave device.(The SNP masterin the CMM module sends this Message as part of the EstablishDatagram COMMREQ command.The datagram has been partiallyestablished, but is not usable; the datagram should be canceledby using the Datagram ID returned by the COMMREQ.)
0x0d44 Adatagram error occurred in a Series 90-70 slave device (dual-porterror).
0x0e01 Notused.
0x0e02 Themodem command string length exceeds 250 characters.
0x0e03 COMMREQData Block Length is too small.Output command string Data is missing or incomplete.
0x0e04 Serialoutput timeout.The CMM module was unable to transmit themodem auto dial output from the serial port.(May be due tomissing CTS signal when the CMM is configured to use hardwareflow control.)
0x0e05 Responsewas not received from modem.Check modem and cable.
0x0e06 Modemresponded with BUSY.Modem is unable to complete the requestedconnection.Check the local and remote modems and thetelephone line.
0x0e07 Modemresponded with NO CARRIER.
0x0e08 Modemresponded with NO DIAL TONE.Modem is unable to complete therequested connection.Check the modem connections and thetelephone line.
0x0e09 Modemresponded with ERROR.Modem is unable to complete the requestedcommand.Check the modem command string and modem.
0x0e0a Modemresponded with RING, indicating that the modem is being calledby another modem.Modem is unable to complete the requestedcommand.Retry the modem command at a later time.
0x0e0b Anunknown response was received from the modem.Modem is unableto complete the requested command.Check the modem commandstring and modem.The modem response is expected to be eitherCONNECT or OK.
0x0f01 Theservice request code in an X-Request Message is unsupportedor invalid at this time.This error may occur if an SNP-Xcommunication session has not been success fully establishedat the slave device.
0x0f02 Insufficientprivilege level in the slave PLC CPU for the requested SNP-Xservice.Password protection at PLC CPU may be preventingthe requested service.
0x0f03 Invalidslave memory type in X-Request message.
0x0f04 Invalidslave memory address or range in X-Request message.
0x0f05 InvalidData length in X-Request message.Data length must be non-zero,and may not exceed decimal 1000 bytes.
0x0f06 X-BufferData length does not match the service request in X-Requestmessage.The X-Buffer Message length is obtained fromthe Next Message Length field in the X-Request message; thelength of the Data within the buffer Message is always theMessage length.
0x0f07 QueueFull indication from Service Request Processor in slave PLCCPU.The slave is temporarily unable to complete theservice request.The master should try again later.It is recommended that the master wait at least 10 msec beforerepeating the X-Request.
0x0f08 ServiceRequest Processor response exceeds 1000 bytes; the SNP-X slavedevice cannot return the Data in an X-Response message.(Thiserror applies to CMM module only.)
0x0f10 UnexpectedService Request Processor error.(This error applies to CMMmodule only; the unexpected SRP error code is saved in theDiagnostic Status Words in the CMM module.)
0x0f15 Requestedservice is not permitted in a Broadcast request.The mastermust direct the X-Request Message to a specific SNP-X slavedevice.
0x0f20 InvalidMessage Type field in a received X-Request message.TheMessage type of an X-Request Message must be 58h = X.
0x0f21 InvalidNext Message Type or Next Message Length field in a receivedX Request message.If this request does not use a buffer (0-2bytes of data), the Next Message Type must be zero.If thisrequest will be followed with a buffer Message (more than2 byte.)), the Next Message Type must be 54h = T, and theNext Message Length must specify the length of the X-Buffermessage.Valid X-Buffer Message lengths are 9-1008 bytes (Data length plus 8 bytes).
0x0f22 InvalidMessage Type field in a received X-Buffer message.TheMessage type of an X-Buffer Message must be 54h = T.
0x0f23 InvalidNext Message Type field in a received X-Buffer message.Sincean X-Buffer Message is never followed by another message,the Next Message Type must always be zero.
0x0f40 Serialoutput timeout.The slave was unable to transmit an SNP-XMessage from the serial port.(May be due to missing CTS signalwhen the CMM module is configured to use hardware flow control.)
0x0f41 AnSNP-X request was aborted prior to completion due to receptionof a Break.
0x0f42 AnX-Buffer Message was received containing greater than 1000bytes of data.The Data is ignored.
0x0f43 TheSNP-X slave did not receive a response from the Service RequestProcessor in the PLC CPU.
0x0f44 PLCbackplane communications error.
0x0f50 Aparity error has occurred in a received X-Attach message.
0x0f51 Aframing or overrun error has occurred in a received X-Attachmessage.
0x0f52 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred in a received X-Attachmessage.
0x0f53 Aninvalid Message Type was received when an X-Attach Message was required.(For an X-Attach message, the Message type mustbe 58h = T.)
0x0f54 Aninvalid Next Message Type value was detected in a receivedX-Attach message.(For an X-Attach message, the Next Message Length must be zero.)
0x0f55 Aninvalid request code was detected in a received X-Attach message.
0x0f60 Aparity error has occurred in a received X-Request message.
0x0f61 Aframing or overrun error has occurred in a received X-Requestmessage.
0x0f62 ABCC (Block Check Code) error has occurred in a received X-Requestmessage.
0x0f70 Aparity error has occurred in a received X-Buffer message.
0x0f71 Aframing or overrun error has occurred in a received X-Buffermessage.

Cables and Wiring Diagrams

This opens a web page with the PDF version of the C-More Protocol Manager, Chapter 6, PLC Communications. Chapter 6 includes cables and wiring diagrams.


Note: An active internet connection is required to view.

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