AutomationDirect Do-more Serial (Built-in Memory)

Topic: CM304

The following information applies to AutomationDirect Do-more PLC compatible with C-more Panels.

C-more Protocol Manager Settings

  1. Do one of the following:
  • Click the Protocol Manager button on the Home tab
    — or —
  • Click the Protocol Manager button on the Setup tab
    — or —
  • from the Navigation window, click the Function tab, click Setup and then select Protocol Manager.

  1. From the Protocol Manager window, click the Device name on the tree to the left.
  • The Device Setup window opens.
  1. In the PLC Protocol field, click on the down arrow and select AutomationDirect Do-more Serial.

When you select a different PLC Protocol than the one currently in use, the warning Message shown below appears.

  • Click Yes to accept.

Connection Through Another Panel

You can configure this protocol for any PLC supported by C-more panels.

You can connect a C-more panel to other C-more panels on your network via an ethernet connection. This type of connection is also known as a Pass Through Connection.

Go to Connection Through Another Panel (Pass-Through) to learn more about Pass Through and using Connection Through Another Panel.

PLC Protocol Settings

Baud Rate

Match the setting in the Do-more CPU serial port configuration.


Match the setting in the Do-more CPU serial port configuration.

Stop Bit

Match the setting in the Do-More CPU serial port configuration. This value will most often be set to 1.

Control RTS

Select Yes in this drop-down to asserts the C-More panel RTS signal before every serial transmission for the purpose of using media converters such as FA-ISOCON.

Require CTS

Select Yes in this drop-down If using a modem on the C-more serial port for flow control. Otherwise, leave this setting at No.

Select RS 485

Select Yes in this drop-down if you need 2 wire RS 485 communication. Along with selecting Yes in this field, you must jumper the SD+ and RD+ along with the SD- and RD- pins.


If the Do-more CPU has a password, it will be necessary to enter the password into this field in order to access the PLC.

Timeout time (0-40) (in 100ms units)

The amount of time (in 100 ms units) that the panel will wait on a reply after sending a request.

Poll Time Poll Time (0-30000 msec)

The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the panel will wait in between each request.

Memory version

Register Write Function Code and Coil Write Function Code: These fields are read only and are not accessible.

A display only field that indicates the Do-more Memory version that this version of C-more supports.

Match the Memory Version of the Do-more CPU in order to reliably read and write data. If they do not match, an error indicate on the C-more panel display. You need to upgrade the C-more programming software and firmware version, or the Do-more firmware version in order for both to reliably communicate with each other.
To view the Do-more Memory version, while connected to the CPU (shown below), in the Do-more Designer software, open the Data View window and enter DST24.


Note: The Privileges for the password entered must at least have Read Data – RD and Write Data – WD selected in order to work correctly with C-more. See image below.

Serial Port Settings Using Do-more Designer

Once you have connected to the Do-more CPU with the Do-more Designer software, do the following:

  1. Click the Configure button in the toolbar.
  • The System Configuration dialog will open. The Serial Port Mode should be set to Do-more Programming.

  1. Click the Device Settings button to set the other serial port options.

  1. In the Transmit Control field, select Unconditional (RS232) or Delayed 5ms (RS-485).
  2. In the RTS Control field, select Follows Transmitter.
  3. Set the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits and Parity to match the C-more Programming Software Panel Manager setup described above.

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