Pop-up Window Frame Object

Topic: CM186

The Pop-up Window Frame object allows the user to display a window on top of the existing screen. This Object is set up to display a preselected screen when a Tag Name assigned to the object is activated.

The Pop-up Window is anchored to the upper left corner of the Screen being displayed withing the Pop-up window. Design screens intended for Pop-up Window Objects with this in mind.

Add a Pop-up Window Frame Object

To add a Pop-up Window Frame object to your project:

  • From the Object menu or from the Object List, double-click on Pop-up Window Frame.
    — or —
  • click and drag the Pop-up Window Frame to the work area.

  • The Pop-up Window Frame window opens.

  1. Complete the fields on the screen that are common to all objects using the information in the Working with Objects Help topic.
  2. Complete the remaining fields on the screen using the information in the table below.
Pop-Up Window Frame
Field Description
Trigger Tag A Discrete Tag Name that will Trigger this Pop-up Window Frame to display.
Tag Name Click the drop-down arrow and select a Tag Name.
Display Screen In this section, select the screen number and name that will be displayed in the pop-up window.
Screen Number Click on the down arrow to view a list of Screen Numbers available and select the screen to display when this Pop-up Screen Frame is activated. You may choose the screen from this field or the Screen Name field.
Screen Name Click on the down arrow to view a list of Screen Names available and select the Screen to display when this Pop-up Screen Frame is activated. You may choose the Screen from this field or the Screen Number field.
Window Type
Modal Window Only items in a Modal Window are active when it is displayed.
Modeless Window When a Modeless window is displayed, Objects on the screen behind the window can still be selected. Multiple Modeless windows can be displayed simultaneously.
Show Title Bar Click on this check box to activate the Title Bar for this Object.
Title Text Enter the text for the title of the object.
Text Color/
Back Color
Click on the Color button to open a Color Palette of available Color choices. This applies to the Text and Back Color when Show Title Bar is active.
Frame Color Click on the Color box and choose a color from the Color Palette that appears. Click on a color to select the desired color for the Frame.


Note: The Pop-up Window upper left corner matches the upper left corner of the screen being displayed. Only content that fits in the Pop-up Window will be displayed.


Note: If a Background Screen is selected and enabled on the screen that displays in the pop-up window, the objects on that Background Screen WILL NOT DISPLAY in the pop-up. This prevents recursion of Background Objects.