Analog Meter — Alarm Band Tab

Topic: CM042

Object Alarm Band Tab Set-up Window

With the Alarm Band Tab you can enter and edit Alarm Bands to set different alarm levels indicating low and high settings in the Analog Meter object.


Note: The Alarm Bands are visible on the object only. They are not associated with the Alarm objects or Alarm banner.

Set Up the Alarm Band Tab Alarm Bands

  1. From the Analog Meter Object set-up window, click the Alarm Band Tab.
  • The Alarm Band Tab set-up window opens displaying the possible alarm levels.

  1. Select the Alarm Bands you wish to use, up to five.
Analog Meter Object - Alarm Band Tab
Field Description
Fill Effect
None Meter Band is flat in appearance.
Effect 1 Meter Band appears recessed.
Effect2 Meter Band appears raised with shadows.

For each alarm level you selected:

  1. Select a color for each Alarm Band. Remember, to prevent confusion, pick a different color for each Alarm Band.
  2. Select Static or Tag.
  • For Static, enter the maximum value for the specific Alarm Band.
  • For Tag, assign a Tag name to an alarm level.
  1. When you are finished, click OK.


Note: To select add or edit a Tag Name to the Tag Name Database, click the three-dotted box to the right of the Tag Name field down arrow.

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