GS30 Series Drives User Manual

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Manual Contents
PDF Document Table of Contents
PDF Document Revision History (Current version is 1st Edition)
PDF Document Important Safety Warning

Chapter 1 PDF Document Getting Started
Chapter 2 PDF Document Installation and Wiring
Chapter 3 PDF Document Keypad Operation and Quickstart
Chapter 4 PDF Document AC Drive Parameters
Chapter 5 PDF Document Serial Communications
Chapter 6 PDF Document Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Chapter 7 PDF Document GSoft2 - Getting Started
Chapter 8 PDF Document GSLogic Introduction

Appendix A PDF Document Accessories
Appendix B PDF Document Optional I/O and Communication Cards
Appendix C PDF Document Digital and Analog I/O Parameter Maps
Appendix D PDF Document Using GS30 AC Drives with AutomationDirect PLCs
Appendix E PDF Document Safe Torque Off Function
Appendix F PDF Document PID Control