Topic: 001

Using this Help File

Welcome to the SureServo2 Pro Software. This user friendly programming software is designed to allow quick and easy programming of ladder logic programs for the SureServo2 Pro Servo. This help file is designed to provide information that will help you get acquainted with the software quickly.

Video Resources:

SureServo2 - Quick Start 1 - Hardware Setup

SureServo2 - Software Overview

Users should read all the introductory information before using this software. This information includes details including safety information, system compatibility, technical support, and much more.

User Manual

You can also access the entire SureServo2 User Manual here. The user manual will open in a new window.

This Help File incorporates some formatting elements to simplify use and understanding of this software. The following is a list of some of the formats:

Bold Text

This Help File uses Bold Text to highlight words that refer to the name of the product, company name, tool names, instructions, and other names that relate to a subject being discussed.


A Caution icon indicates an important safety message.


A notebook icon indicates information that is especially important or useful.


are provided as often as possible to allow the users to click and access immediate specific information. Hyperlinks will look like this:


When the pointer hovers over the hyperlink text, the word will be automatically highlighted to indicate that it is a selectable link.

The sample hyperlink takes users to the AutomationDirect web site. Move the pointer over the hyperlink text and the text is underlined. Clicking on the link will take you to the AutomationDirect site.

Text Popup

Text popup windows will appear if brief pieces of information or small pieces of information are available, such as definitions. Text Popups will look like this:

Text Popup

Hovering over the text in the Text Popup will display the provided information .

Expanding Text

Expanding text is most helpful when important information about a subject may not be relevant to all users, but users would still like to have the information available at the click of the mouse. Expanding text will look like this:

Expanding TextClosedThis is an example of expanding text.

Clicking the arrow beside the Expanding Text field will display the relevant information in the same screen as the current topic.

Drop-down Text

Drop-down Text is very similar to Expanding text, except that it may be more in-depth and may have images and formatting to help users better understand the information available.

Drop-down Text will look like this:

Clicking the arrow beside drop-down text will make the text and other elements show beneath the heading.

Clicking the arrow again will hide the drop-down text.


This help file includes graphics, figures, and photographs to provide a clear information about topics. Most images will include caption labels and/or hyper-links allowing the user to click on an item in a Figure/Graphic to open specific information for that item. When hovering over a hyper-linked icon, the pointer turns into a hand indicating the item is selectable and a label describing the function of the link appears. When pointing at a selectable portion of the figure, click once to open the hyper-linked information.

Related Topics

Topics that include Related Topic links at the bottom of the page provide the user with a reference of subjects that may be related to the one currently being discussed. The user may click on any available Related Topic links to select the subject and access the selected topic.

These topics will appear in the same format as a hyper-link, as shown below:




Topic ID

This Help File uses the Topic ID displayed on the top right corner of the Topic page. This Topic ID is useful when contacting Technical Support to refer to a specific Topic.