Position Control Task

Positioning control tasks are performed prior to the start of the positioning operation and have a higher priority.

  • Positioning control task waits for the refreshing of module status.

  • If the position control task and positioning program operation time are higher then the configured control period, an error will occur and the position control task will not execute.

  • Task priority is fixed at a value of 2.

Step Action

In an Open XG5000 project right-click on Scan Program. Choose Add ItemèTask… or select Project menu -> Add ItemèTask…



Add a Task name for the external contact task. Choose the priority and select Position Control for the task. Press OK when done to create the task.


The task requires a program for it. Press Yes to have XG5000 automatically start the program creation process.


Give the program a program name. Choose the programming language also. Press OK to create the program.


A Task will appear in the Project Window with the name given during the creation process. This example shows the task name as PosTask.



