Creating a User Function

Step Action
1 Create or Open your project.

In the Project window panel locate the User Function/Function Block section.

3 Right-click on the User Function/Function Block section. Select Add ItemèFunction…


Enter in information for your function in the window that pops up.

Give your function a descriptive name.

Choose the language of the function block’s code.


  1. LD – Ladder Diagram

  2. ST – Structured Text

  3. IL(IEC) – Instruction List

Select or de-select the Use EN/ENO option.

Choose a Return data type.

Choose a value for Width (columns).

Add a Program Description to let other users know what the function does.


Select Password tab to add security options to your Function . Using the password function is optional.

Use New Password section to password protect your function. This step is optional.

Enable or disable Protect Program check box. This step is optional.


Open the Local Variables file for your function.

A blank variable window should open.

Note: A pre-created return variable will be added automatically when creating a function.


Add Local Variables to your function.

Choose Variable Kind for your local variable.

Variable Kind Definitions:

  • VAR: This is a local variable for the function block. Can not be accessed outside of it.

  • VAR_INPUT: This is a read only input variable to your function block.

  • VAR_OUTPUT: This is an output variable from your function block. It is read only to outside programs.

  • VAR_IN_OUT: This in an input variable that has read and write access from your function block.

Enter a name for your variable in the Variablecolumn.

Choose the data type of your variable in the Type column.

Available data types:

Used check box is checked if variable is used in the code.

Add a Comment to the variable to let other users know what the variable is used for.


Open Function Program to add code.

The chosen language editor will appear. This example is Ladder Diagram.

Note: The value type set to the return variable in the function code must match the type defined when creating a function. An error will be generated at Check Program if there is an issue.


After adding Function code, press Check Program to check your function for errors.


Fix any errors that appear or proceed to Using a User Function to start using your function.







