Creating the User Data Type

Step Action
1 Create or Open your project that the User Data Type will be added to.

In the Project window panel, right-click on User Data Type section. Select Add Item è Data Type... .

You can also use the Project menu, select Add Item è Data Type....

Note: XG5000 must be offline to add a User Data Type .


Add the User Data Type name to the screen that opens. Add a comment to provide other users detailed information. Press OK when done.


A blank User Data Type window should open after pressing OK.


Add a variable name to the Variable column to create the first entry of the User Data Type



Choose a Type for the variable.


  1. Address Column will populate when adding variables to the User Data Type.

  2. Initial Value will be grayed out.

  3. Retain will be grayed out.


Add a Comment to describe the Variable.


Add a second Variable by right-clicking in the User Data Type window. Select Add Line. You can also use the Ctrl+M keyboard keys.

Example of completed second variable:

Note: You can add many variables to a User Data Type. They can be different types. Complete Steps 4 through 7

for each variable.

9 Save the Project after you are finished adding variables to the User Data Type.


