Ladder - Using Timers

XG5000 has various timer function blocks. Below is a table giving a description of each timer function block.

Timer Function Block Name Description
TMR Timer with a stored elapsed time.
TMR_FLK Timer with flickering of the Q.
TMR_UINT Timer with integer preset and reset.
TOF Off Delay Timer.
TOF_RST Off Delay Timer with reset.
TOF_UINT Off Delay Timer with integer preset and reset.
TON On Delay Timer.
TON_UINT On Delay Timer with integer preset and reset.
TP Pulse Timer.
TP_RST Pulse Timer with reset.
TP_UINT Pulse Timer with integer preset and reset.
TRTG Re-triggerable Timer with reset.
TRTG_UINT Re-triggerable Timer with integer preset and reset.

Timer Help File Locations

Help Files for Timer function blocks can be found easily from the Function/Function Block insert screen.

Step Action
1 Insert a function/function block from the Scan Program.
2 Choose Timer category.
3 Select the Timer function block to view help on.

Press Help button.


Review the Timer function block Help file.








