Explanation of Header Data

The XEL-BSSRT has 4 bytes of header data that represents the status of the LED lights.

Data Address [bit] Content Note
0-1 RUN LED (Green)
Data Status
0 Off
1 On
2 Blink
3 Reserved
2-3 RUN LED (Red)
4-5 RMS LED (Green)
6-7 RMS LED (Red)
8-9 RNS LED (Green)
10-11 RNS LED (Red)
12-13 RELAY LED (Green)
14-15 Reserved
16-17 LINK/ACT1 LED (Green)
18-19 LINK/ACT1 LED (Yellow)
20-21 LINK/ACT2 LED (Green)
22-23 LINK/ACT2 LED (Yellow)
24-31 Reserved










