Connect to SureServo2 with EtherNet/IP Implicit
The XEM CPU with an XBL-EIPT module can connect to a SureServo2 drive equipped with SV2-CM-ENETIP module.
These examples will be using the ADC created function block in the file (Link to file).
The function blocks allows speed control, position table indexing control and digital input command control.
Drive status is also available. This includes speed, position, and digital input status.

Note: Use the SS2 ADC Sample program Node1 10-10-112-11.par file to setup drive parameters for these examples. Other parameters should be configured for your application.
Step | Action |
1 |
Open SureServo2 Configuration program. This example shows version V0.0.4.4.
2 |
Connect to Drive over USB.
3 |
Open the Parameter Editor. Press the Open Parameter File button.
4 |
Choose the SS2 ADC Sample program Node1 10-10-112-11.par file.
5 |
Press the Write Parameters button to download the parameters to the SureServo2. Make sure other configuration parameters are set to appropriate values for your application.

Step | Action |
1 |
In SureServo2 configuration software, Select the Fieldbus option in the Device List.
2 |
Select the MODTCP / EIP tab on the Fieldbus pop up screen.
3 |
Enter the IP address of the SureServo2 drive. Make sure the IP address is in the same network range as the XBL-EIPT module and unique to that network. This example shows an IP address of and a Sub-net mask of
4 |
Press the Download and push parameters to card button to save the IP address to the SV2-CM-ENETIP module.
5 |
Power cycle the SureServo2 drive to use the newly set IP address. |

Note: Use the SS2 Monitoring and Mapping Parameters 05122021.eds file for this example.
Step | Action |
1 |
Open XG5000. Select Register EDS file from the Tools è EDS menu.
2 |
Select the SS2 Monitoring and Mapping Parameters 05122021.eds file. Press Open to register it.
3 |
Open the EDS information window from the View menu and make sure it was imported successfully. It should show up as SV2 EtherNet/IP Card Ver1.1.

Note: Use the SS2 Monitoring and Mapping Parameters 05122021.eds file for this example.
Step | Action |
1 |
In the XG5000 project, open the I/O parameter screen. Add your XBL-EIPT to the slot it is in on the PLC rack. Press Apply.
2 |
Right-click on the XBL-EIPT card under the Network Configuration portion of the Project screen. Select Add Item è P2P Communication.
3 |
Select P2P 03 if it isn’t being used. Select P2P 04 if 03 is used.
4 |
Configure the IP address for the XBL-EIPT. Make sure it is on the same network as the SureServo2. Make sure to check Use Tag to allow variables to be used in EtherNet/IP setup.
5 |
Open EIP settings under P2P 03. Drag the SV2 EtherNet/IP Card V1.1 file from EDS information screen.
6 |
Setup Channel No. and IP Address for the SureServo2. Press OK when done.
7 |
Open Global/Direct Variables. Create variables for the EtherNet/IP input and output data. Check EIP/OPC UA column for the variables. This example uses SureServo2_EIP_Input00 and SureServo2_EIP_Output00 as variable names.
8 |
Open EIP Block under P2P 03. Enter the SureServo2 Channel number in the first column. It is 0 from our example.
9 |
Choose 0.Exclusive Owner as the I/O type. Choose Point to Point as Connection Type.
10 |
Click the Parameter button. Click OK button in the Parameter Settings window. Choose RPI x4 in Timeout.
11 |
Double-click the cell in the column Local tag to open the Select EtherNet/IP Tag window. Select SureServo2_EIP_Input00 in the upper Local tag. Select SureServo2_EIP _Output00 in the lower Local tag.
12 | Perform a Check program and Write the project to the XEM CPU. |