Setting Up Implicit Connection to EDS file device

Video Tutorial

Step Action

Open EIP settings under P2P 03 or P2P 04. Drag the desired EDS file from the EDS information screen. This example shows the GS20A EtherNet/IP Card Ver1.1 device,


Setup Channel number and IP address for the device. Press OK when done.

Note: Make sure this IP address is in the same network as the XBL-EIPT module.


Open EIP Block under P2P 03 or P2P 04. Enter the Channel number of the device in the first Column. It is 0 from our example for the GS20 Drive.


Choose the I/O type and Connection type for the implicit connection. Our example has ‘0.Drive Control and Status’ as the I/O type and ‘Point to Point’ as the Connection type.



Click the Parameter button. Click OK button in the Parameter Settings window. Choose a Timeout value. Our example uses RPI x4 in Timeout.


Create Variables for the Input and Output tags of the Implicit Connection. Our example creates Global Variables. Make sure to Check EIP/OPC UA.


Put the created variables in the Local tag section of the implicit connection.

  • Our example puts GS20_Input00 in the upper Local tag.

  • Our example puts GS20_Output00 in the lower Local tag.

Double-click the cell in the column Local tag to open the Select EtherNet/IP Tag Window.



