SD Card Error Codes

Topic: CL278

The table provided below includes a list of the CLICK PLC SD Card Error Codes along with Error Messages and their Descriptions. When an Error or a Warning occurs, the Error Code is stored in the system data register SD69.

CLICK SD Card Errors
Error Code (Decimal) Error Message Description Condition Corrective Action
0 Normal No error    
101-200 STM/ESP processing related error
101 File Generation Request Error File generation request failed When the file generation request is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
102 File Deletion Request Error File deletion request failed When the file deletion request is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
103 SD Eject Request Error SD eject request failed When the SD disconnect request is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
104 SD Deletion Error SD deletion failed When SD deletion is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
105 Log Information Transfer Error Failed to send log information When log information transmission is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
106 History Transfer Error History transfer failed When history transmission is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
107 Main CPU Communication Process Error Main CPU communication processing failed Handshake with ESP32 side No response timeout (provisional 60 seconds) Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
108 SD List Information update Error SD List Information update request failed When the list information update request is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
109 SD File reading Error SD File reading request failed When the SD file read request is not completed Re-execute or return with a timeout (30 seconds). (If the error is repeated, turn on the power again)
201-300 Log system function error
201 File Creation - Trigger bit: creation interval Error Trigger bit was turned on within 1 minute from the previous Trigger bit On and Firmware did not create log file. When the file generation request is re-requested within 1 minute Make sure File Creation Trigger bit does not come on in less than one minute intervals.
202 SD Eject interval Error Requests within 1 minute from the previous request. Firmware did not process that. When the SD disconnection request is re-requested within 1 minute Make sure SD Eject bit does not come on in less than one minute intervals.
203 SD Deletion interval Error Requests within 1 minute from the previous request. Firmware did not process that. When the SD deletion request is re-requested within 1 minute Make sure SD Deletion bit does not come on in less than one minute intervals.
204 History Transfer interval Error Requests within 1 minute from the previous request. Firmware did not process that. When the history request is re-requested within 1 minute Make sure the History Request bit does not come on in less than one minute intervals.
205 Log Information Transfer interval Error Requests within 1 minute from the previous request. Firmware did not process that. When the log information transmission request is re-requested within 1 minute Do not try to Transfer Log information in less than 1 minute intervals.
401 - 500 SD card processing related error
401 SD Card Call Error SD card has already been recalled Mounted Completed Remounted to SD card. Remove the SD card and insert it again.
402 SD Card Memory Allocation Error SD card memory cannot be allocated Occurs due to insufficient memory of ESP32 when mounting is completed. Power cycle the PLC.
403 SD Card Mount Error SD card cannot be mounted Occurs due to SD card factors during "mount". Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
404 SD Card Process Error SDMMC, SPI driver, SDMMC protocol, FATFS driver error ESP32 hardware error. Power cycle the PLC.
405 IO Hardware Error A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer An unrecoverable error occurred in the lower layer (disk I / O function). Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
406 Assertion Error Assertion failed There is an error in the FAT structure on the volume. Destruction of work areas (file system objects and file objects) due to lack of stack or other tasks. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
407 Physical Drive Error The physical drive cannot work The physical drive is not ready for operation. Or, drive initialization failed. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
408 File Not Found Error Could not find the file The specified file was not found. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
409 Path Not Found Error Could not find the path The specified path was not found. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
411 Access Error Access denied due to prohibited access or directory full The directory table is full and the file or directory could not be created. The volume is full and the directory could not be created. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
412 Access Denied Error Access denied due to prohibited access An object with the same name as the newly created object already exists. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
413 SD Card File / Data Write Error Log File create or Log data append error SD Card not mounted or defective SD card Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
414 SD Card Write Error The SD Card is write protected An attempt was made to perform an operation involving writing when the physical drive was write-protected. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
416 Work Memory Error The Volume has no work area The work area (file system object structure) required to operate the volume is not given. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
417 FAT Volume Error There is no valid FAT volume on the SD card No valid FAT volume was found on the physical drive. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
423 Invalid Parameter Error Given parameter is invalid The given parameters are invalid or inconsistent. Remove the SD card and insert it again, or replace the SD card.
424 Number of Files Error Maximum number of files exceeded There are too many files on the SD card. Maximum number of files:
1 System Log,
1 Password Log,
999 Data Logs.
Replace the SD card, or delete log files from the SD card.