Disable PLC Node

Topic: CM525

If a Device connected to a C-more should be deactivated while the C-more project continues to run, an internal tag can be created to identify to the C-more project that communication errors from that device should not be displayed.

For example, a C-more panel communicates with two PLC, each controlling a separate production cell. When a PLC is powered down for maintenance and “PLC Communication Timeout” Errors would be a nuisance, this feature can identify the PLC as disabled. Communication errors from that PLC will not display while the internal DISABLE tag is ON.

How to use this feature

  1. Create an Internal Tag based on the following rule: %[device name]_DISABLE%
  • For example, if the device name is "DEV001", the Tagname needs to be "%DEV001_DISABLE%", without the quotes.
  • In order to keep the setting, you may want to create this tag as a retentive tag.
  1. Assign this tag to a Pushbutton.
  • ON = Disable
  • OFF = Enable
  1. Transfer the project to the panel.