AutomationDirect Productivity Addressing

Topic: CM515
System ID Address Range Max Rows Max Columns Max Chars Read/Write C-more Data Type
C 000001 - 999999 R/W Discrete
AR1C 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W Discrete
AR2C 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W Discrete
DI - Read Only Discrete
DO - R/W Discrete
S16 000001 - 999999 R/W Signed int 16
AR1S16 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W Signed int 16
AR2S16 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W Signed int 16
US16 000001 - 999999 R/W Unsigned int 16 (with Hex option in objects)
AR1US16 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W Unsigned int 16 (with Hex option in objects)
AR2US16 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W Unsigned int 16 (with Hex option in objects)
S32 000001 - 999999 R/W Signed int 32
AR1S32 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W Signed int 32
AR2S32 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W Signed int 32
AIS32 - Read Only Signed int 32
AOS32 - R/W Signed int 32
F32 000001 - 999999 R/W Floating PT 32
AR1F32 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W Floating PT 32
AR2F32 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W Floating PT 32
AIF32 - Read Only Floating PT 32
US8 000001 - 999999 R/W Unsigned int 16 (with Hex option in objects)
AR1US8 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W Unsigned int 16 (with Hex option in objects)
AR2US8 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W Unsigned int 16 (with Hex option in objects)
BCD16 000001 - 999999 R/W BCD int 16
AR1BCD16 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W BCD int 16
AR2BCD16 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W BCD int 16
BCD32 000001 - 999999 R/W BCD int 32
AR1BCD32 000001 - 999999 65535 R/W BCD int 32
AR2BCD32 000001 - 999999 65535 65535 R/W BCD int 32
STR 000001 - 999999 128 R/W ASCII String
AR1STR 000001 - 999999 65535 128 R/W ASCII String
AR2STR 000001 - 999999 128 R/W ASCII String
SBR 000001 - 999999 Read Only Discrete
SBRW 000001 - 999999 R/W Discrete
SWR 000001 - 999999 Read Only Signed int 16
SWRW 000001 - 999999 R/W Signed int 16
SSTR 000001 - 999999 50 Read Only ASCII String
MST - Read Only Discrete

* For DI, DO, AIS32, AOS32, AIF32 and MST Data types, the System ID number is associated with a physical location (module). The explanation for the System ID number is shown below:

The dash that is seen between the memory type and the System ID number in the Productivity Suite software is not accepted in the C-more programming software. Also note that you cannot enter a comma between two indices of a two dimension array in the C-more programming software. See the captures shown below:

For one dimensional arrays use SystemID (Column) and for two dimensional arrays use SystemID (Row)(Column).


Note: The System ID associated with each Productivity3000 Tag is displayed in the Tag Database window of the Productivity Suite Programming Software. If the System ID column is not visible in the Tag Database, it can be made visible by right clicking on any of the column headers and selecting System ID (shown below).

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