Tag Name Database Specifications

Topic: CM474

Configuration of Exported File

Export Example
Protocol ID Device Name Tag Name Data Type Data Count Retentive Address Array End
0 <INTERNAL> EXAMPLE Signed_int_16 1 FALSE 0
100 DEV001 TEST BCD_int_32 1 False V10 0
Field Descriptions
Field Description Values
ProtocolID Protocol ID See Protocol ID Table Below
DeviceName Device Name Alphanumeric — No Spaces or <INTERNAL>
TagName Tag Name Alphanumeric — Spaces allowed
DataType Data Type See Data Types Table Below
DataCount Preset by the system * Preset by the system *
Retentive Retentive value TRUE or FALSE
Address Address Protocol Dependent (For <Internal> address leave blank)
ArrayStart Preset by the system * Preset by the system *
ArrayEnd Preset by the system * Preset by the system *
* Editing this field may cause Import Errors.
Protocol ID Protocol
100 AutomationDirect K-Sequence (DL05/06/105/205/350/405)
101 AutomationDirect DirectNet (DL05/06/105/205/350/405)
102 AutomationDirect Modbus (DL05/06/205/350/405)
103 AutomationDirect DirectNet (DL330/340)
107 AutomationDirect Modbus (CLICK)
111 AutomationDirect ECOM Ethernet (DL05/06/205/405)
200 Modbus RTU
201 AutomationDirect Productivity3000 Ethernet (P3-550)
211 Modbus TCP/IP
212 AutomationDirect Productivity3000 Serial (P3-550)
230 AutomationDirect GS Drives Serial
231 AutomationDirect SOLO Temperature Controller
250 AutomationDirect GSDrives TCP/IP (GS-EDRV)
400 Allen-Bradley DF1 Full Duplex (SLC500)
401 Allen-Bradley DF1 Half Duplex (MicroLogix/SLC500)
402 Allen-Bradley DF1 Full Duplex (PLC5)
404 Allen-Bradley DF1 Full Duplex (MicroLogix)
405 Allen-Bradley DF1 Full Duplex Tag-Based (Control/CompactLogix)
406 Allen-Bradley DF1 Half Duplex Tag-Based (Control/CompactLogix)
407 Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP Client (MicroLogix 1100)
408 Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP Client (SLC5/05/ENI Adapter)
409 Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP Client Tag-Based (Control/CompactLogix)
500 Entivity (Think&Do) Modbus
512 Entivity (Think&Do) Ethernet H2 WinPLC(Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet)
600 GE 90/30 SNPX
700 Mitsubishi Melsec FX
711 Mitsubishi FX-1N(C)/2N(C)/3U(C) (CPU)
715 Mitsubishi Q/QnA Serial
716 Mitsubishi Q/QnA Ethernet
717 Mitsubishi Q Series (Q02/Q02H/Q06H/Q12H/Q25H CPU)
800 Omron Host Link Adapter
802 Omron CS/CJ FINS Serial
805 Omron CS/CJ FINS Ethernet
900 Siemens S7-200 (Serial : PPI)
902 Siemens S7-200 (Ethernet : ISO over TCP/IP)
903 Siemens S7-300 (Ethernet : ISO over TCP/IP)
1000 Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP Server (Generic IO Messaging) (Control/CompactLogix)
2500 AutomationDirect Do-more Serial
2510 AutomationDirect Do-more Ethernet
Data Types