PTC Errors

Topic: CM470

The table below provides a list of C-more Panel PTC (Project Transfer and Communications) errors that may be displayed by the C-more Programming Software. When a PTC error does occur, an error Message displays on your PC screen.

C-more PTC Errors
Error Error Message


Error PTC-001 Read NG When this error occurs:
1. Software cannot connect to the panel or detects the timeout during the project transfer transaction.
2. Project file in the panel is corrupted for some reason such as FAT is broken, and it was detected on the project transfer transaction.
Error PTC-002 Transfer Failed - Communication timeout.
Error PTC-003 Panel read error.
Error PTC-004 No program in panel.
Error PTC-005 There is not enough free disk space.
Error PTC-006 Panel you are connecting to is busy.
Error PTC-007 Panel Firmware version is old. Please update firmware.
Error PTC-009 Firmware Update Failed.
Error PTC-010 There is not enough memory.
Error PTC-011 File not found.
Error PTC-012 Change IP Address Failed.
Error PTC-013 Unsupported hardware version.
Error PTC-020 Version Mismatch.
Error PTC-021 Panel is not connected.
Error PTC-022 "USB Communication Error occurred. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable between PC and Panel."
Error PTC-023 Not supported in this panel.
Error PTC-024 No SD Card in SD1 slot The Panel Manager "Save to/Boot from" is set to save the project to SD1.
Error PTC-025 Project Transfer was canceled because SD1 was the transfer target but is no longer available. Insert the SD Card or transfer to Built-in FLASH.
Error PTC-026 This project cannot be transferred to an %s. Change Panel Type in the Panel Manager or choose a different target panel. CM5-RHMI can only run projects designated for the CM59-RHMI and other panels models cannot run CM5-RHMI projects.
Error PTC-027 Panel initialization failed. Transfer the project again. Panel initialization occurs the first time a project is downloaded to a new panel. If initialization fails, you can transfer the project again, or perform a firmware update.
Error PTC-028 Project Transfer Failed – Communication Timeout Panel Initialization was successful, but the project transfer failed. Check the connection with the panel and PC and transfer project again.
Error PTC-029 User name or Password is incorrect.