Error |
OBJ-001 |
Name cannot be
empty |
Error |
OBJ-002 |
Name already exists |
Error |
OBJ-003 |
Visibility value
must be between %0.f and %0.f |
Error |
OBJ-004 |
Please enter a valid
value |
Error |
OBJ-005 |
Point animation PLC
value point 1 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-006 |
Point animation PLC
value point 2 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-007 |
Size animation PLC
value point 1 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-008 |
Size animation PLC
value point 2 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-009 |
Size animation value
point 1 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-010 |
Size animation value
point 2 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-011 |
Scale Y size PLC1 is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-012 |
Scale Y size PLC2 is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-013 |
Scale Y Size
display1 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-014 |
Scale Y size
display2 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-015 |
Scale rotation PLC1 is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-016 |
Scale rotation PLC2
is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-017 |
Scale rotation
display1 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-018 |
Scale rotation
display2 is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-019 |
This field cannot be
empty |
Error |
OBJ-020 |
Select a sound file |
Error |
OBJ-021 |
Scale PLC1 is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-022 |
Scale PLC2 is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-023 |
Scale display1 is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-024 |
Scale display2 is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-025 |
Invalid numeric
value |
Error |
OBJ-026 |
Please add a message |
Error |
OBJ-027 |
Bit No. already
exists |
Error |
OBJ-028 |
Message No. already
exists |
Error |
OBJ-029 |
Tag value is not in
range |
Error |
OBJ-030 |
Cannot add embedded
tag, Message length limit exceeded |
Error |
OBJ-031 |
Range min is greater
than range max |
Error |
OBJ-032 |
Add amount is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-033 |
Subtract amount is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-034 |
Minimum value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-035 |
Maximum value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-036 |
Minimum value is
greater than or equal to maximum value |
Error |
OBJ-037 |
Major divisions must
be between 1 and 20 |
Error |
OBJ-038 |
Minor divisions must
be between 0 and 20 |
Error |
OBJ-039 |
Floating point must
be between 0 and 5 |
Error |
OBJ-040 |
Total digits must be
between %d and %d |
Error |
OBJ-041 |
Fractional digits
must be between %d and %.d |
Error |
OBJ-042 |
Timed sample rate
must be between 1 and 65535 |
Error |
OBJ-043 |
X-axis major division must be between 1 and 20 and smaller than samples per chart |
Error |
OBJ-044 |
X-axis minor
division must be between 0 and 20 |
Error |
OBJ-045 |
Total No. of samples
must be between %d and 65535 |
Error |
OBJ-046 |
Samples per chart
must be between 4 and %d |
Error |
OBJ-047 |
No. of readings to average per sample must be between 1 and
255 |
Error |
OBJ-048 |
Y-axis major divisions must be
between 1 and 20 |
Error |
OBJ-049 |
Y-axis minor division must be between 0 and 20 |
Error |
OBJ-050 |
Output range (minimum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-051 |
Output range
(maximum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-053 |
Range min is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-054 |
Range max is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-055 |
Low2 value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-056 |
Low value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-057 |
High value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-058 |
High2 value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-060 |
PLC point1 value is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-061 |
PLC point2 value is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-064 |
Display point1
values is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-065 |
Display point2
values is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-066 |
Process value
(minimum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-067 |
Process value
(maximum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-068 |
Mid value is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-070 |
Process value
(maximum) is less than present value (minimum) |
Error |
OBJ-071 |
Output value
(minimum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-072 |
Output value
(maximum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-073 |
Output Range
(maximum) is less than output range (minimum) |
Error |
OBJ-075 |
Output value
(minimum) cannot be greater than present value (maximum) |
Error |
OBJ-080 |
scale (minimum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-081 |
scale (maximum) is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-082 |
Manual scale
(maximum) is less than manual scale (minimum) |
Error |
OBJ-083 |
Please select bitmap
file |
Error |
OBJ-084 |
Select either ON or
OFF bitmap |
Error |
OBJ-085 |
Please insert an
image |
Error |
OBJ-086 |
Image number already
exists |
Error |
OBJ-087 |
Tag value already
exists |
Error |
OBJ-088 |
At least one valid
recipe tag must be defined |
Error |
OBJ-089 |
Define a valid
recipe sheet |
Error |
OBJ-090 |
Enter a name in
recipe sheet name |
Error |
OBJ-091 |
File name cannot
contain any of the following characters \/:*?<>|." |
Error |
OBJ-092 |
There is a line in
which 'Destination' does not exist |
Error |
OBJ-093 |
Value Data cannot
copy to destination area: |
Error |
OBJ-094 |
Paste cannot be
executed because the range of vopy and the range of paste are different |
Error |
OBJ-095 |
Some parts of the
Data are not pasted because the range of paste exceeds the limitation of
range |
Error |
OBJ-096 |
Paste cannot
executed because range does not match |
Error |
OBJ-097 |
The paste range is
outside the grid range, so paste cannot be executed |
Error |
OBJ-098 |
Destination will not
be copied because copy paste area does not match |
Error |
OBJ-099 |
Destination will not
be copied because value cannot be copied in this area |
Error |
OBJ-100 |
Don't use these
characters. \/:*?<>|." |
Error |
OBJ-101 |
The saved Data is
damaged. Data will be converted into the default value and processed |
Error |
OBJ-102 |
Trigger value must
be between %0.f and %0.f |
Error |
OBJ-103 |
Invalid screen
number |
Error |
OBJ-104 |
Invalid angle value |
Error |
OBJ-105 |
Please enter amount |
Error |
OBJ-106 |
Value is not within
range |
Error |
OBJ-107 |
Some parts of the
Data are not pasted because the range of paste exceeds the limitation of
range |
Error |
OBJ-108 |
Cannot continue
paste, source Data doesn't match with destination data |
Error |
OBJ-109 |
Handshake timeout is
not within range |
Error |
OBJ-110 |
Cannot change
embedded tag property; Message length Limit exceeded |
Error |
OBJ-111 |
Rows and columns
must be between 1 and 32 |
Error |
OBJ-112 |
No screen has been
added to the current screen list |
Error |
OBJ-113 |
Invalid value |
Error |
OBJ-114 |
%s length is not
within range |
Error |
OBJ-115 |
%s length in index
%d is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-116 |
%s length in language %d is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-117 |
%s length in language %d and Index %d is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-118 |
Line style and point
style both cannot be blank |
Error |
OBJ-119 |
No. of point value
is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-121 |
Upper bound line
value is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-122 |
Lower bound line
value is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-123 |
Refresh time value
is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-124 |
Upper bound line tag type does not match with the pen tag type |
Error |
OBJ-125 |
Lower bound line tag type does not match with the pen tag type |
Error |
OBJ-126 |
X-axis major division must be between %d and %d and must be smaller than No. of points |
Error |
OBJ-128 |
Expression is not
valid |
Error |
OBJ-129 |
does not contain 'X' |
Error |
OBJ-130 |
Expression contains
division by zero |
Error |
OBJ-131 |
Expression contains
number smaller than -4294967295 or greater than 4294967295 |
Error |
OBJ-132 |
IP Address cannot be
empty |
Error |
OBJ-133 |
Define a valid tag
for interlock tag |
Error |
OBJ-134 |
Invalid IP Address |
Error |
OBJ-135 |
Y-axis range min tag
type does not match with the pen tag type |
Error |
OBJ-136 |
Y-axis range max tag
type does not match with the pen tag type |
Error |
OBJ-137 |
value is not within
range. Do you want to set a correct value? |
Error |
OBJ-138 |
Interlock value must
be between %0.f and %0.f |
Error |
OBJ-139 |
Define a valid tag
for focus tag |
Error |
OBJ-140 |
Focus value must be
between %0.f and %0.f |
Error |
OBJ-141 |
Invalid filtering
number |
Error |
OBJ-142 |
Divisions must be
between 1 and 20 |
Warning |
OBJ-143 |
Style 2 must be
selected for object style in general tab when using object focus option |
Error |
OBJ-144 |
select a log ID |
Error |
OBJ-145 |
log ID |
Warning |
OBJ-146 |
the log setting is set to "Disable", It is not possible to display
the graph of the Data chart |
Error |
OBJ-147 |
Upper bound value is not within max value of axis range |
Error |
OBJ-148 |
Lower bound value is not within min value of axis range |
Error |
OBJ-149 |
Upper bound value is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-150 |
Lower bound value is not within range |
Error |
OBJ-151 |
Lower bound value is greater than upper bound value |
Error |
OBJ-147 |
name cannot be empty |
Error |
OBJ-148 |
file name cannot be empty |
Error |
OBJ-149 |
name filter cannot be empty |
Error |
OBJ-150 |
name or path contains invalid characters |
Error |
OBJ-151 |
contains characters not specified in ISO-8859-1 |