Special Characters

Topic: CM407

The following is a list of Special Characters that may be entered using special key strokes. Other characters may be found on the Windows Character Map tool under Windows Accessories.

Special Character Reference

The following table provides a quick reference for entering special characters in Windows. To enter a special character from almost any program in Windows, type like you normally would and when a special character is needed, hold the "ALT" key down and while holding the key type the reference number of that character.


Note: Make sure to use Num Lock for keyboard shortcuts.

Character Keyboard Shortcut
ALT + 0134
ALT + 0139
ALT + 0149
ALT + 0150
ALT + 0153
ALT + 0155
¡ ALT + 0161
¢ ALT + 0162
£ ALT + 0163
¥ ALT + 0165
© ALT + 0169
« ALT + 0171
® ALT + 0174
° ALT + 0176
± ALT + 0177
µ ALT + 0181
» ALT + 0187
¼ ALT + 0188
½ ALT + 0189
¾ ALT + 0190
¿ ALT + 0191
Á ALT + 0193
É ALT + 0201
Í ALT + 0205
Ñ ALT + 0209
Ó ALT + 0211
Ø ALT + 0216
Ú ALT + 0218
é ALT + 0233
í ALT + 0237
ñ ALT + 0241
ó ALT + 0243
÷ ALT + 0247
ú ALT + 0250