AutomationDirect Do-more Symbolic (Full Memory)

Topic: CM053

The following devices support the Do-more Serial Symbolic Addressing driver (all Do-more PLC require OS ver. 2.0.2 or later):

  • H2-DM1E
  • H2-DM1 with H2-ECOM100 (ver. 4.0.1808) communication module
  • T1H-DM1E
  • BX-DM1E
  • BX-DM with the BX-P-ECOMLT communication module

C-more Protocol Manager Settings

  1. Do one of the following:
  • Click the Protocol Manager button on the Home tab
    — or —
  • Click the Protocol Manager button on the Setup tab
    — or —
  • from the Navigation window, click the Function tab, click Setup and then select Protocol Manager.

  1. From the Protocol Manager window, click the Device name on the tree to the left.
  • The Device Setup window opens.
  1. In the PLC Protocol field, select AutomationDirect Do-more Serial Symbolic Addressing.

When you select a different PLC Protocol than the one currently in use, the warning Message shown below appears.

  • Click Yes to accept.


Note: Connection through another panel is not available using the Do-more driver.

  1. Complete the fields on the screen using the information in the table below.
Panel Manager
Field Description
Baud Rate Match this setting to match the Baud Rate setting in the Do-more CPU serial port configuration.
Parity Match this setting to match the Parity setting in the Do-more CPU serial port configuration.
Stop Bit Match this setting to the Stop Bit setting in the Do-More CPU serial port configuration. This value is most often 1.
Data Bit Match this setting to match the Data Bit setting in the Do-More CPU serial port configuration. This value is most often 8.
Control RTS If you select Yes in this field, C-more asserts the serial port RTS signal before transmitting data. This signal is commonly used with media converters such as FA-ISOCON.
Control FTS If you select Yes in this field, C-more checks to see if the CTS signal is asserted from the connected device before it transmits data.
Select RS 485 Select Yes for this field if you need 2 wire RS-485 communications. Along with selecting Yes in this field, you must jumper the SD+ with the SD- and RD- pins.
Password If the Do-more CPU is configured to use a password, the project needs to store this password to communicate with the Do-more. You must enter the password into this field.
Timeout Time (0-40) (in 100ms units) The amount of time (in 100 ms increments) that the panel waits on a reply after sending a request.
Poll Time The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the panel waits in between each request.


Note: You must configure the Do-more password to allow access privileges for other devices. The minimum privileges Read Data: RD and Write Data: WD selected to work correctly with C-more.

Serial Port Settings Using Do-more Designer

  1. Once you connect the Do-more CPU with Do-more Designer software, click the Configure button in the toolbar.

  • The System Configuration dialog box opens. Set the Serial Port Configuration to Do-more Programming.

  1. Click the @IntSerial Device Settings button to set the other serial port options.

  1. Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity: must match the C-more Programming Software Panel Manager setup described.
  2. Transmit Control: set to Unconditional (RS232) or Delayed 5ms (RS-485).
  3. RTS Control: set to Follows Transmitter.

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